събота, 29 септември 2012 г.

Avioshow in Lesnovo 2012

With enormous delay, some photos from the event. This is day 26 August. A very very hot day!

Special thanks to Dochko Dochev. It was his idea to attend and his camera I used. All the shots with planes are his, the manipulation - mine.

very nice cartoons :)

петък, 21 септември 2012 г.

Kengo Kuma's facebook first page

Years ago when I was in first year Architecture I bought a magazine - The Plan - really cool with drawings and details and photos. Then I discovered Kengo Kuma and really liked him. It's common practice to study some Architect or studio via Facebook - it's easy to view photos of projects and grasp ideas and decide if you want to look further or no. Imagine my surprise when I searched Facebook and didn't find any fan/official page for Kengo Kuma. I tought it was a great loss, so I did one, uploaded some photos (yes I know it's not according to author's rights, but... please - it was needed). I quickly forgot about it, unfortunately. And over the years it led a life of its own. Now there're 5 342 people who like it.
I feel very childishly happy right now.