сряда, 27 март 2013 г.

A day in UGO with Darina

It was a pleasant task in my last summer internship - "Go have a lunch in Ugo and feel the difference in the spaces"

the red stairway connecting the ground floor and second floor. Darina was wearing a royal blue blouse (coincidence).

вторник, 26 март 2013 г.

Da Dao exam 24 March in Plovdiv


Da Dao is a Bulgarian Martial Art. The name is roughly translated as the "Path of Fight". There is a lot of philosophy here but as a newbie I find it hard to explain. This movement is developed mainly in Plovdiv but there are other clubs in the country. I attend the one in Sofia. Now the photos above are taken during the exam for 3rd level (to put it this way - it's a test for the 3rd black line on the white collar). This is something far away from "a piece of cake". 

For more information you can visit the official web site: http://www.dadao.org