вторник, 12 ноември 2013 г.

Blogging as a diary of the graduation work/project

In in my years of studying architecture I spent lots of time researching. Research is the most fundamental step in a project. I believe in the collected information is the key to the good concept. Many times I've searched the net for specific topic, building, architect and most valuable I found the architecture students' blogs. I was surprised to find out it's a practice in some universities that the students have a blog for their semester project - step by step they do it like a diary - from research through experimentation with shapes to the final idea.

Speaking of that I finally got it to graduation work (6th year yeah). I chose a project in the field of restoration and heritage - The railway in Varna and the surrounding space.

The first step - visit the National Institute of Cultural Heritage in Sofia. In the picture bellow you can see half of the papers I have to go through for the 2 railway stations.

That's enough for now

Here's the blogs that inspired me to start:

1. Student EMILIE C. who I  found helpful during the project for a Hotel  http://arch3611f12emiliec.blogspot.com/

2. Something almost random : http://underdog-arch-student.com/

3. Found thanks to 1. http://jcastillotheoreticaldesign.blogspot.com/

4. Another Emilie C. blog - http://8fultonstreet.blogspot.com/

5. Ferrari museum - http://museoferrari.blogspot.com/ this is not a students blog but it was mind changing (for me).

6. This one is from the software-oriented blogs: http://formularch.blogspot.com/

And we should not forget Beehance.net !

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